Book An Appointment
Step 1
Book An Appointment
If you are a new patient that has not registered with the Dept. of Health, book a free consultation so we can get you registered and answer any questions you have. At the end of your consultation, we will schedule your appointment with the doctor. If you are already registered or renewing your card, book an appointment with the doctor.
Step 2
Talk To A Doctor
Answer the phone when the doctor calls you at your scheduled appointment time to complete your evaluation. All appointments are conducted via phone and payments are processed securely online with a credit or debit card. If you are not approved, you will receive a full refund.
Step 3
Get Your Card
After your appointment with the doctor, you will need to pay a fee of $50 online to the Dept. of Health to have the card mailed to you. *Patients who qualify for the Medical Marijuana Assistance Program (MMAP) are exempt from this fee.
Let’s Get Started
All PAMMJ appointments are conducted via telemedicine to comply with social distancing policies. Questions or comments? Feel free to contact us at!
All patients must be Pennsylvania residents and have a valid driver’s license or state identification card. All doctor’s appointments will be conducted via telemedicine to comply with social distancing policies.
Already know WHAT to Do? Select one of the options below.
Book a free new patient consultation with us if you are just getting started. On this phone call, a member of the PAMMJ team will explain the process of obtaining your medical card, answer any questions that you may have, and get you registered with the Department of Health to obtain your patient ID number. We will then get you scheduled for your evaluation with a DOH-approved physician. After you pick your time for your evaluation with the physician, you will be emailed an invoice for $125, which is due the same day. This invoice is paid securely online with a credit or debit card.
If you have questions regarding renewing your medical card feel free to book a call with us and we will answer your questions and assist you in scheduling your patient evaluation.
If you have already registered as a new patient on the PA Dept. of Health website, you can click here to book a time for your appointment with a Pennsylvania-approved physician. The cost of the appointment is $125, which is paid at the end of the booking process via credit or debit card through a secure credit card processor. You are required to have a DOH-issued patient ID number for this appointment. If you do not have one, please book a new patient consultation and we will assist you with obtaining one.
If you are a current patient and your card is within 60 days of expiring, you can schedule a renewing evaluation with a PA Dept. of Health-approved physician to renew for another 12-month period. Click here to choose a time for the call and then make a secure payment of $75 at checkout via credit or debit card. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with further instructions and helpful tips.